Notes from the Outercircle - Fall in Victoria BC

Motherhood is a transformative journey, filled with moments of immense joy, profound love, and unexpected challenges. It is a role that encompasses boundless strength, unwavering dedication, and an indescribable bond with a child. Each woman's path to motherhood is unique, and every story is worth celebrating. 

In this series, we bring you an intimate collection of inspiring narratives where women from all walks of life share their personal experiences of motherhood. From the joys of pregnancy to the realities of postpartum, the triumphs and struggles of raising children, and the profound lessons learned along the way, these stories offer a glimpse into the diverse and transformative world of motherhood.

Through this series, we aim to create a space for women to connect, support, and uplift one another. We believe that by sharing our stories, we can find solace, inspiration, and empowerment. Whether you are a soon-to-be mother, a new mom navigating the early stages of parenthood, or a seasoned parent, we hope these stories resonate with you, reminding you that you are not alone on this beautiful yet challenging journey. 

Fall in Victoria:
I kid you not, the day of the fall equinox, summer switched to fall in an instant here in Victoria. The wind rolled in, temperatures dropped, the leaves really began changing color, and the light shifted from bright to moody. As a Texan, this quick change still shakes me every year. I get so used to the go go go of summer, it is as if I am not prepared for this change in pace, which keeps surprising me because I always thought fall was my favorite season. And maybe it still is! I think I always loved the themes of fall...pumpkin picking, hot apple cider, Thanksgiving...but in warm weather. But I am writing this next to a fire with a cozy blanket wrapped around me and a cup of tea beside me, and I am truly leaning into this forced slow down. I know I need it but I won't lie, it gives me anxiety. The first year here, I felt like I was experiencing seasonal depression for about a month. But last year I learned more about the notion of hygge, and this year I am really ready to implement it. I am allowing myself to feel the feels of the seasonal shift. Fall represents letting go and that can be really hard for me. I am in year three here, and I am finally recognizing the value in living through true seasons, and the space this creates for times of reflection and reset.