Team Anook's Mindful Intentions
The New Year is upon us and as we take a look back we can't help but think what a crazy year this has been, "unprecedented" as they love to say constantly on the news 😂. With many lows came many highs. We grew our company, hit many goals that we set out to accomplish and grew as a team. We are proud as we look back at where we were this time last year vs now. It's always important to take time to look back and actually realize how much you have grown, because sometimes it feels like nothing has changed until you take a moment to measure your successes, no matter how small.
This year will be a big one for both us as a team and for us personally. Allie is establishing her new home in Canada, making it feel more like home for her husband and her young children Hayes and Georgia. Sydney is getting married this year! Chris and Sarah's children are getting ready to go off to college. Many milestones for us personally and professionally and as we talk through these milestones as a team we keep coming back to the importance of doing all things with mindfulness in mind. So often we go through the daily routine of life without taking a moment to sit back and reflect. We let routine shape us instead of us shaping our routine.
In 2022 our goal is to be mindful in all that we do, in the small daily habits to the big life decisions. Move with intention though our days and take moments to reflect and realize both accomplishments and setbacks. Cheers to a mindful year.
Here's a look into our our team's mindful Intentions:
Allie, Founder + CEO
Allie's Mindful Intentions:
Chris, Director of Operations
Chris' Mindful Intentions:
Sydney, Director of Marketing
Sydney's Mindful Intentions:
Sarah, Director of Merchandising