12 Acts of Self Love



Happy February, mamas! February is the month of love and when we say love we don't just mean love for your significant other or children. Showing love to yourself is just as important. We have compiled a list of ideas to show yourself love.



1. Self care / alone time.


2. Take a walk alone or with your significant other.

3. Write down 28 things you love about yourself - one for each day of the month.

4. Treat yourself to a dinner date alone.

5. Buy yourself flowers.

6. Get 15 extra minutes of sleep.

7. Take a yoga class (there's a ton of online classes!)

8. Splurge on something for yourself.

9. Listen to an inspiring podcast. 


10. Disconnect from social media.

11. Ask for help when you need it.

12. Remember it is okay to say "No."