5 Black-Owned Businesses to Support Right Now
By far the best way to support POC is to boost support for their businesses. We have rounded up 5 incredible black-owned businesses that we hold you'll follow and support today.
We love a good mother/daughter duo and House of Aama is an incredible brand that offers designs that are reflective of the PostBellum Southern United States. This period is a significant time for black culture in the US and the designs highlight the beautiful yet complicated history.
The Wrap Life We LOVE this company that makes headwraps for everyone! As mothers, we are all about ease and these make getting ready easier! Their brand mission is inclusive, which resonates with Anook Athletics as well. Agnes Baddoo If you had to make a list of five things every mother needs, a good leather bag would be at the very top. Agnes Baddoo makes the most incredible bags that are host sustainably and classic. She offers various sizes for all of your mama needs. Jungalow Jungalow collections are designed in Los Angeles and are a curated ensemble of creative colorful, modern goods from around the globe. Their company offers a rotation of high-quality edition art prints from an international group of female artists. They also have incredible throw pillows (we all love throw pillows, right?) Miles and Milan We will never get tired of timeless baby basics and this company offers high-quality items for hip little babes. Miles and Milan is a minimal mother's solution to dressing her little and these days, we appreciate brands that offer simple solutions.